What to Consider When Choosing a College

Consider when choosing a collegeSeniors—Congratulations! Sit down, take a deep breath, and smile. You’re in. But there’s still work to do.

Choosing a college ranks among the most important decisions a person makes in his or her lifetime. It requires a lot of thought. You’ve told some colleges that you like them, and one or more have said that they like you back. But you can only go to one college, so you’ll need to break some hearts. Continue reading What to Consider When Choosing a College

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Prepare For the SATs With This Summer Reading List

Prepare SAT Summer Reading ListIt’s a great idea to bulk up your reading list while you’re preparing and studying for the SAT.

Did you know that frequent readers tend to do better on the Writing and Critical Reading portions of the SAT, which make up more than 50 percent of the test questions? It’s a great idea to bulk up your reading list while you’re preparing and studying for the SAT. Continue reading Prepare For the SATs With This Summer Reading List

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Use The Summer Before College Wisely


The summer before college is the optimal time to get yourself ready for life as a college student. We know how you can use this time wisely.

As you recuperate from your senior year of high school and look forward to your freshmen year of college, your mind is probably swirling with thoughts of classes, dorm-living and making new friends—all of the fun you will have at college.

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Do These Two Things Immediately to Prepare for College Next Year


You still have one year left of high school. You can do this! Use this time to prepare for college with these two essential tips.

You’ve still got another year of high school to survive. How are you going to use that time? I won’t insult your intelligence by telling you that you should focus on getting good grades. You know that. But here are two things you definitely should do to prepare for college – as soon as you can.

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Make the Most of the Summer Before Senior Year


The summer before senior year is finally here. There are a lot of things to think about, including college. Here are some of our best tips.

There are a million ways to spend the summer before senior year.   I realize, of course, that your own situation is going to be a big factor.  Maybe you need to work two jobs instead of just one to make sure that you can pay for school or to have enough pocket money.  Maybe you need to do some extra course work to make sure that your grades are in sync with your college choices.

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Make The Most of Your College Open House Visit


You can gain a lot of information from attending a college open house. When you’re there, make sure you make the most of your time with these tips.

Visiting a college open house can be one of the most thrilling experiences for a high school student.  A little preparation, communication and openness to new experiences will help you get the most out of your open house visit.

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Battle The Senioritis Virus!


The senioritis virus spreads fast and quick when your high school senior year is drawing to an end! We know just what you need to battle senioritis.

So, the year is almost over. You got accepted into the school you wanted to go to, so now all you can think is “alright – let’s Party!” Well, hang on just one quick minute.

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