Tag Archives: applying to college

Do I Have a Chance if I have Been Waitlisted?

college waitlist chancesBeing on the waitlist can be very taxing on the nerves. It is good to have all of the details of what this means so you can put your mind at ease.

It’s called the waitlist for a reason. First you have to wait…and wait. And then you wait some more, all the while wondering about your college waitlist chances. As the time goes on, you can’t help but let the same question keep playing on repeat in your head: Do I even have a chance? Continue reading Do I Have a Chance if I have Been Waitlisted?

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Community Service: Do Good and Look Good To Colleges

volunteers doing community serviceThere is no denying how great community service can be. But did you know it can help you get into your college of choice too?

You know how important community service for high school students is. Especially now, during the summer before your senior year, when you know that your college applications will need to show that you are “well-rounded” and “community-oriented.” Continue reading Community Service: Do Good and Look Good To Colleges

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