Tag Archives: waitlisted

Do I Have a Chance if I have Been Waitlisted?

college waitlist chancesBeing on the waitlist can be very taxing on the nerves. It is good to have all of the details of what this means so you can put your mind at ease.

It’s called the waitlist for a reason. First you have to wait…and wait. And then you wait some more, all the while wondering about your college waitlist chances. As the time goes on, you can’t help but let the same question keep playing on repeat in your head: Do I even have a chance? Continue reading Do I Have a Chance if I have Been Waitlisted?

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College Waitlist Tips You Need to Know

college waitlist tipsIt feels a lot like waiting for someone to ask you to prom. It’s the scary place between acceptance and rejection.

Let’s talk about the college waitlist.

Applying to college is supposed to be clear cut, right? You’re supposed to get an acceptance or a rejection. Acceptances are great. Rejections sting a little. Either way, at least you know where you stand. Continue reading College Waitlist Tips You Need to Know

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Your Top College Put You On The Waitlist. Now What?


Being on the waitlist doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to attend your dream school. Follow these steps to make a good impression.

THE letter has arrived – will it be an acceptance? A denial? You’ve finally received it after weeks of waiting, anticipating. As you open it, your eyes browse the top paragraph and land on the words…

Continue reading Your Top College Put You On The Waitlist. Now What?

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