High School Senior Bucket List

Your senior year of high school is a big one. Make the most of it by crossing these items off your bucket list.

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Senior year of high school. It’s a year full of big changes. Before you know it, you’ll be donning your cap and gown, and walking toward your diploma. Time flies by quickly, so enjoy your final year of high school while you can.

To make sure you make the most of the rest of your time in high school, put together a high school bucket list. Commit to checking off every item before graduation.

Most importantly, have fun. Do something crazy. Enjoy the last of your high school career!

Here are some high school bucket list ideas to get you started:

Show your (high) school spirit

There’s nothing like cheering for your team under the Friday Night Lights. And your pride for your high school never really goes away. After you head to college, though, it might be a long time before you can root on your high school team.

So, go to as many sporting events as you can this year. Wear your team’s colors. Paint your face and grab your foam finger. Eat all the hot dogs and walking tacos your heart desires. This is what high school is all about.

Join an extracurricular

Play a sport, sign up for a club. Try something new this year.

You’ll have fun, learn something new and make some new friends. Plus, it will be a nice extra boost to your college resume. Extracurriculars could be a big help when it comes to getting more scholarships and financial aid for college.

Visit college campuses

Heading to college after high school is going to be a big change. The best way to get a feel for things and prepare yourself is to go on college visits.

Take the time to plan visits to the colleges you’re interested in. You’ll get the chance to familiarize yourself with the culture there. It will also make you extra excited to start college!

Hang out with your parents

We know. This probably isn’t at the top of your senior year bucket list. But it should be.

While you’re away at college, you’re going to miss Mom and Dad. You’ll miss their home-cooked meals, their encouragement, and even their embarrassing habits. Create some extra memories with your parents to think back on when you’re feeling homesick.

Go out for a manicure with Mom. Take Dad out for brunch. Do something a little out of the ordinary that will make your parents smile. It just might make you smile, too.

Go dorm room shopping

Picking out a new bedspread and mini fridge for your dorm room makes the transition from high school to college all the more real. It’s fun to pick out furniture and decorations and imagine them in your soon-to-be home. So, spend a day at the mall and splurge a little. You deserve it.

Take a trip with your friends

Plan a trip you’ll never forget with your friends. This is one of the most important things you should add to your senior year bucket list.

You only have so much time together before you part ways for a few months. A vacation with your closest pals is exactly what you need to grow closer together and create some lasting memories. We recommend a trip to the beach or a good old fashioned road trip.

Collect keepsakes

Throughout the rest of the year, collect photos, notes from friends and other keepsakes to store away. Many years from now, you’ll appreciate digging through them for some high school flashbacks. Also, make sure to get your yearbook signed by all the people who made your high school experience great — including your teachers.

There are so many things to do before you graduate high school. So many things that you’ll miss once you graduate. But don’t worry — a bigger, more exciting journey is waiting for you. Enjoy the time you have left at high school, but also get excited for what’s to come!

What items are you checking off your bucket list before high school graduation?


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