ChatGPT Writes a “Funny” Scholarship Article, And It’s Bad

It’s summer, y’all, so we’re taking a break this week. I’m relaxing by the pool with my scholarship apps and my IZZE. So, I’m gonna pass the blog reigns to everybody’s newest best friend: ChatGPT.

The vibes I get when AI tries to be funny is probably how my 14-year-old cousin feels when I show her my Dobby from Harry Potter impression. It’s, like, sort of there, but not quite… and maybe it’s best left to the professionals, anyway.

But don’t get me wrong – I’m probably one of 3 people who are actually excited about AI. A tool that can instantly write fanfiction about Beyoncé adopting me into her family? One hundo P on board.

And I know that the more specific your prompt is, the better the delivered product, but I just went with a simple one to see what would happen. Spoiler alert: if AI is coming for my job, it ain’t anytime soon. *Sips IZZE*

Also, as a little treat, I also had an AI generate the photos for this blog. We’ll be analyzing those, too, because… well, you’ll see.

Just two besties hangin’ in college, vibing amongst the books melting off the wall, and… their faces. I have concerns about the faces.

Prompt: Write a funny yet informative article about scholarships. This will be for a company called Red Kite, which offers access to over $25 BILLION in financial aid opportunities.


How to Catch a Red Kite: A Humorous Guide to Scholarships


I’m sorry, but I can’t let her get away with this title. You don’t need to catch Red Kite, bestie. Red Kite is yours for the taking! The point of us offering access to financial aid is to make applying to scholarships easier.

Also, if you tell someone something’s funny, it’s… not. ChatGPT needs to remmeber the age-old writing rule: “show instead of telling.” The fact that we’re already starting out with “A Humorous Guide to Scholarships” is hurting my back.


Welcome, scholarship hunters!


😐Kitelings. Kitelings.


Have you ever tried catching a Red Kite? No, not the bird—I’m talking about the treasure trove of financial aid opportunities worth over $25 billion. Yes, BILLION with a ‘B’.


Another golden writing rule broken: you never start a piece of writing with a reference to the title, people. That’s like titling a blog “How to Candle” and the first sentence is, “Have you ever tried to candle?”


If you’re feeling like Scrooge McDuck diving into his vault, you’re not far off. So grab your butterfly nets, folks, because we’re about to embark on a whimsical journey through the wondrous world of scholarships, courtesy of your friendly financial aid experts at Red Kite.


Not Scrooge McDuck 😭😭😭What are we even talking about? Why is the metaphor “catching” scholarships? Even if “Red Kite” referred to the bird (which it does not), why is your first instinct to catch such a beautifully majestic creature?

And “a whimsical journey through the wondrous world of scholarships” is giving that one teacher who’s, like super pumped about chloroplasts at 8 AM on a Thursday. We just can’t relate.

Ah, sollmorif ‘at sholalisharpschiihp. The classic.

The Scholarship Safari

Imagine the scholarship hunt as a safari. Your terrain? The vast savannah of the internet. Your prey? Scholarships of all shapes and sizes. Some are majestic and elusive, like the rare “Full-Ride Rhinos,” while others are more common but still valuable, like the “Small-Grant Gazelles.” The key to a successful safari is knowing where to look and being prepared for anything.


My face after reading that:

I mean… I guess the spirit is there? But the whole metaphor of financial aid being an animal you need to hunt doesn’t align with our Red Kite mission. Scholarships are more like a tasty dessert that we want to bring to you on a plate!

Our goal is to make financial aid easier and less stressful, so you don’t have to feel like you’re in the middle of a crazy, scary jungle. We walk you through every step of the process, from applying to keeping track of deadlines, and we keep you informed so that you can make the smartest choices.

Sorry, I started taking over the blog, and I’m trying to tan, here… continue, please, Miss GPT.


First things first: pack your essentials. You’ll need:

  1. A killer application essay (think of it as your camouflage).
  2. Stellar grades (your binoculars to spot opportunities from afar).
  3. Extracurricular activities (your bait to lure the scholarship committee).


But where are the GIGGLES? Comparing grades to binoculars isn’t exactly open-mic material. Nobody’s laughing, girl.


The Species of Scholarships

There are many different types of scholarships in the wild. Here’s a quick field guide:

  1. Merit-Based Scholarships: These are the lions of the scholarship savannah, awarded based on your academic prowess, talents, or special skills. They’re majestic but competitive. Only the strongest applications survive.


Hmm… that last line is a little dramatic. Grades aren’t everything these days, as my own college scholarship proved. And while merit-based scholarships are definitely GPA-centered, it would be incorrect to say that only high-scoring students survive, just like the idea that you won’t automatically be eaten if you see a lion on a safari.

Me and my son, sittin’ by the wall of book-paper-shelf-posters, and… THE HANDS?
  1. Need-Based Scholarships: These gentle giants are awarded based on financial need. They’re like the elephants, supportive and available to those who need them most.
  2. Athletic Scholarships: The cheetahs of the bunch, these are for those who run faster, jump higher, or score more points. They require not just skill but also stamina and dedication.
  3. Creative Scholarships: These colorful peacocks are for the artists, musicians, and writers among us. Show off your creative plumage and dazzle the judges.
  4. Unusual Scholarships: The platypuses of the scholarship world. From left-handed scholarships to awards for duck-calling skills, these quirky scholarships prove that there’s something out there for everyone.


If anyone ever tells you to “show off your creative plumage,” your first call should be to the police. I gotta give the AI some credit here, because the metaphor is consistent and makes sense. And the safari is growing on me – especially with the next section – but I still think the whole idea’s rotten to the core.

The point of scholarships is to make college more affordable, whereas a safari is just an experience. For a lot of people, financial aid makes the difference on whether they can go to college or not. It’s important, so if we’re going with the “scholarships on a plate” thing I mentioned earlier, you might think of it like a restaurant that everybody needs to pass through while driving to college.

Even if you’re set on tuition for one year, scholarships don’t always roll over, and I know that my college costs increased by thousands of dollars each year. So you need to keep stopping by the Red Kite restaurant, where our waiters will take good care of you! (Don’t make it weird.)


The Red Kite Advantage

Now, why should you choose Red Kite as your safari guide? Simple. Red Kite is the seasoned ranger with the map to the biggest herd of scholarships. They offer access to over $25 billion in financial aid opportunities. That’s like having a GPS for your scholarship safari.

Here’s how Red Kite can transform your scholarship hunt:

  1. Personalized Matches: Red Kite uses sophisticated algorithms to match you with scholarships tailored to your unique profile. No more wandering aimlessly through the scholarship jungle.
  2. Comprehensive Database: With access to such a vast array of scholarships, Red Kite ensures you won’t miss out on any potential opportunities. It’s like having a treasure map with all the X marks.
  3. Application Assistance: Red Kite offers tips and resources to help you craft the perfect application. Think of it as having a guide to help you set the perfect trap for your scholarship prey.


Why are we hunting? Can’t we just take a selfie with a cheetah and leave? The idea of need-based scholarships as an elephant that needs to be trapped is depressing.

Y’all, an estimated $100 million in scholarship money is wasted every year. These organizations want to help you get the college funds you need. I don’t think any of these animals want to be caught and hauled out of the “scholarship savannah.”


Tips for a Successful Hunt

  1. Start Early: The early bird catches the worm, and the early applicant catches the scholarship. Don’t wait until the last minute to start your search.
  2. Stay Organized: Keep track of deadlines, requirements, and materials needed for each application. A good hunter always has their gear in order.


…Red Kite helps you keep track of your deadlines for you. Research, Miss GPT! Research!


  1. Tailor Your Applications: One size does not fit all. Customize your essays and applications to fit the specific scholarship criteria.
  2. Never Give Up: The scholarship hunt can be tough, but persistence pays off. Keep applying, and eventually, you’ll land your prize.


I guess that’s a good note to end on. The college application sphere is competitive, but there are billions of dollars worth of scholarships for the taking. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t land a scholarship right away.


So there you have it, scholarship hunters! With Red Kite as your guide, you’re well-equipped to navigate the wild and wonderful world of financial aid. Remember, the scholarship safari is not just about catching the big game but also about the thrill of the hunt. Happy hunting, and may your nets be full of scholarships!

m not gonna lie, she’s slaying. The books are made out of money?? Queen!

Apparently, AI is a big hunting afficionado, but overall, I’d give this blog post a solid F. Maybe an F-, because that Scrooge McDuck reference made me cringe out of my skull.

Anyways, I’ll be back next week, so don’t worry, my Kitelings. We’ll leave the AI to the Beyoncé fanfiction.

And as always, be sure to check out for all your scholarship needs! Over $25 billion in financial aid opportunities are waiting for you! As ChatGPT said: that’s “billion” with a “B!”

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8 Goofy Scholarships

Bestie gang, it’s summer season, which means my brain has officially left the building. But the scholarship grind doesn’t stop!

I’m on the waitlist for grad school, doing research for Red Kite, and figuring out how to budget. Surprise, surprise: the world is expensive these days.

But this is the absolute best time to start applying to scholarships. We all need to go into our next year of school with a little extra cash, so I’ve complied a list of some fun, easy scholarships that made me giggle.

If you’re reading this after June, be sure to check to see if these scholarships are annual/recurring, because there’s always a chance of applying next time. And get this: some of them are open to high school students, too!


1. Ice Cream Scholarship – $1,500


Y’all know that this scholarship had to be my #1. Also, July is apparently National Ice Cream Month, as if that isn’t every month… Anyways, say hello to the Flavor of the Month Scholarship!

Now, when I first came across this scholarship, I assumed that they wanted me to create a new type of ice cream, which felt a little daunting. Baskin-Robins has 31… like, how many more can there be? Turns out, it’s even easier than that!

All you have to do is write about your favorite flavor, and why it reflects your personality. $1500 to ramble about my obsession with birthday cake ice cream? Say less. (Is it because my love language is gift giving?)

Deadline: July 31

Age requirement: 14+

2. Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship – $2,000


Picture me waking up in bed, gasping for air. Immediate call to the boyfriend.

“What happened?” he asked.

“I had a dream,” I said, breathless. “I was in the dorms, and the lights went out, and then zombies came in through the windows, and-”

“Jane, it’s 6 AM.”

True story. And now, here’s an opportunity to yap for cash. All you have to do is imagine what would happen to your school or college if zombies suddenly started running amok. Class is cancelled: the apocalypse is here, and people want to hear your survival plan!

P.S. If there’s a Target near your campus, you’re set. And you’ve got cute succulents.

Deadline: October 31

Age requirement: 14+


3. Taylor Swift Scholarship – $1,989


I’ve mentioned Beyonce in almost every blog post on this website, but I’ve gotta look out for my Swifties, too!

This scholarship offers funds to one diehard fan that writes 400-600 words about a song from Taylor Swift’s album “1989 (Taylor’s Version).” I literally wrote a 30-page journal entry after Cowboy Carter dropped, so if y’all are anything like me, I know you’ll knock this one out of the park.

Deadline: July 1

Education level: Any

4. Comedian Scholarship – $1,500


The Make Me Laugh Scholarship is targeted at anyone who’s got a funny story to share. Even if you can’t think of anything that happened to you personally, maybe your friends or family can come in clutch!

I used to work in a suit store, and one time, I was helping a Spanish-speaking customer find a new shirt. I wanted to tell him that he needed a bigger collar size, right? Unfortunately, my Spanish brain chose that exact moment to exit the building, and this is what I told a real person directly to his face: “Your neck is upstairs.”

Now, that horrifying moment no longer has to live just in my mind! (I facepalm at least twice a day over it.) This is your chance to put your standup-worthy moments onto paper.

Deadline: August 31

Age Requirement: 14+

5. Potato Scholarship – $10,000


If you’re still considering which graduate path to pursue, consider this: potato.

I had to throw this one in for my fellow grad students. First of all, I had no idea The National Potato Council was even a thing. Second of all, based on the amount of Jack-in-the-Box curly fries I eat every week, how do I run for chairwoman?

They’re offering an annual scholarship to a grad student “conducting research for the benefit of the potato industry.” I mean, this is an industry that everybody’s passionate about, people.

Deadline: June 14

Age requirement: Graduate student

6. Rodeo Scholarship – $500


Yeehaw! Whether you grew up in the rodeo life or you’ve only ever been to one rodeo, all you have to do is write a short essay breaking down your experience.

Saddle up, partners, because the Rodeo Ticket Scholarship wants to hear from you. Did you try to ride a bull and realize you should probably stick to mechanical ones at the county fair? Did you fall in love with a cowboy from afar and write 3 follow-up journal entries about him? (Just me? Okay…)

Apart from the obvious $500 to help with college expenses, this scholarship is a fantastic opportunity to share your unique rodeo story with a wider audience. At the Texas Rodeo, I ate a table-sized turkey leg off the bone and got to pet some alpacas. There’s no easier way to this ole Southern gal’s heart than that. Time to dust off your boots and get to work!

Deadline: August 15

Age requirement: College-enrolled

7. Scholarship for Sewers/Knitters/Crocheters/Felters/Designers


Ever dreamt of weaving your way to the top? (Sorry.) The National Make It With Wool competition is held annually by the American Sheep Industry.

And this is serious business, besties. There are several divisions – including college students – and most US States have their own local competition. So, the deadlines and cash prizes vary, but if you’re a designer that can work with wool, this one’s for you!

Do I run to my mom every time a button falls off my pants? Maybe. But I’m sure we’ve got some crafty Kitelings in need of funds for their wool-based passion.

8. Science Fiction/Fantasy Art Scholarship – $5,000


And for my amateur artists that dabble in sketching dragons and spaceships, you could win $500 for the Illustrators of the Future quarterly contest. After that, you’re automatically enrolled in their grand prize contest, with a first-place award of $5,000… rich.

But the best part is that you get to have your art judged by professional artists. This is the ultimate opportunity to make a name for yourself within the highly-competitive art industry! I mean, I’m already making fanart of Legolas from The Lord of the Rings in my spare time anyway, so why not get paid for it? (I’m kidding – your work needs to be original. Not about the Legolas part. That’s very meaningful to me.)

Deadline: June 30, 2024

Age requirement: Any

So there’s a few fun, goofy scholarships to kick off your summer 2024 search. While you’re here, be sure to submit your scholarship-winning essays to our Essay Analysis blog series.

And for more about Red Kite’s $25 BILLION in financial aid opportunities, you can sign up to our site (

Follow our socials for more Jane content! I’m off to write about some zombies, and I hope to see you there!

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