Every College Checklist You Need For Summer

College ChecklistsThere are so many moving parts, it just makes sense to have a handful of checklists to follow when preparing for college.

Let’s face it – when it comes to searching, applying and (finally!) attending college, there are a lot of deadlines to keep track of. And on top of those deadlines are all of the other things you need to do to prepare for what will be one of the biggest accomplishments in your life. All of those due dates, to-do’s and lists floating around in your brain can get a little overwhelming. That’s where the college checklist comes into play. Read More Every College Checklist You Need For Summer

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Your Child’s Dream School Shouldn’t Be The Only Option

father and daughter researching dream schoolYour child has just passionately announced his or her dream school…now what?

What is a “dream school” anyway?

Although every college is different – and surely every dream is different – “dream schools” typically have two things in common:

  • The school is highly competitive for admissions
  • The school is well-known for a particular field of study that your son or daughter is especially interested in.

Read More Your Child’s Dream School Shouldn’t Be The Only Option

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College Waitlist Tips You Need to Know

college waitlist tipsIt feels a lot like waiting for someone to ask you to prom. It’s the scary place between acceptance and rejection.

Let’s talk about the college waitlist.

Applying to college is supposed to be clear cut, right? You’re supposed to get an acceptance or a rejection. Acceptances are great. Rejections sting a little. Either way, at least you know where you stand. Read More College Waitlist Tips You Need to Know

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What to Consider When Choosing a College

Consider when choosing a collegeSeniors—Congratulations! Sit down, take a deep breath, and smile. You’re in. But there’s still work to do.

Choosing a college ranks among the most important decisions a person makes in his or her lifetime. It requires a lot of thought. You’ve told some colleges that you like them, and one or more have said that they like you back. But you can only go to one college, so you’ll need to break some hearts. Read More What to Consider When Choosing a College

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