For students entering the most competitive college applicant pool of all time, securing financial aid for education is crucial. We created Red Kite to help match our students to scholarships that are specific to their own personality and interests.

Winning a scholarship is a significant achievement, and it can help pave the way to a brighter future. But receiving a scholarship is only half the battle—scholarships often come with specific requirements that you must meet to maintain your award throughout your academic journey.

Let’s explore a few ways to ensure that you’re on track to keeping your scholarship.

1. Understand the Requirements

Before anything else, be sure to thoroughly review the terms and conditions of your scholarship. This can and should be done while initially applying to the scholarship, because any extra requirements will be listed on the application page.

And if you’ve just received notice that you’ve won a scholarship, be sure to double-check the requirements. Refreshing yourself on what is expected of you is of the utmost importance.

Scholarship requirements can vary widely, but some common stipulations include:

  • Maintaining a Minimum GPA: Many scholarships require you to maintain a certain GPA (Grade Point Average) to keep your award. Know what that number is and strive to exceed it.
  • Full-Time Enrollment: Some scholarships are only available to full-time students. Dropping below full-time status could put your scholarship at risk.
  • Participation in Activities: Some scholarships require you to participate in specific extracurricular activities, community service, or internships.

Take note of these requirements and make a plan to meet them consistently.

2. Stay on Top of Your Academics

Academic performance is often the most critical factor in maintaining your scholarship. Here are a few ways to stay on top of your courses:

Attend Classes Regularly

Your presence in class is crucial, not just for understanding the material but also for your overall grade.

Missing classes can lead to lower test scores and even the risk of losing your scholarship. Make it a nonnegotiable habit to attend every class, participate actively, and stay engaged with the course content.

Seek Help

Don’t wait until you’re overwhelmed to ask for help. If you find yourself struggling with a subject or falling behind, you should reach out for support immediately.

Whether it’s scheduling office hours with your professor, joining a study group, or seeking a tutor, early intervention can prevent small challenges from turning into bigger problems.

Time Management

Balancing your academic workload with extracurricular activities and social commitments can be a juggling act. Effective time management is key to maintaining high grades without burning out.

Start by organizing your schedule, setting priorities, and using tools like planners or digital apps to keep track of assignments and deadlines. Make sure to allocate enough time for studying, and don’t forget to include breaks to recharge.

Stay Organized

Keeping your notes, assignments, and study materials well-organized can significantly reduce stress and help you stay on top of your coursework.

Develop a system that works for you, whether it’s folders, binders, or notebooks (digital or physical). Regularly review and update your materials to ensure you’re always prepared for exams and assignments.

Set Realistic Goals

Setting academic goals can provide motivation and direction, but it’s important to keep them realistic.

Break down your larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks, and track your progress regularly. Celebrate small victories along the way, and adjust your strategies if you find yourself falling short.

Prioritize Self-Care

Academic success is closely tied to your overall well-being. Prioritize self-care by getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and finding time for physical activity.

Mental health is equally important, so practice stress management techniques, such as mindfulness or relaxation exercises, to stay focused and calm under pressure.

Communicate with Your Advisors

Regularly check in with your academic advisors to ensure you’re on track with both your degree requirements and scholarship obligations.

They can provide valuable guidance on course selection, academic challenges, and career planning, helping you navigate your academic journey with confidence.


By staying committed to your studies and implementing these strategies, you can safeguard your scholarship and achieve academic excellence. And it looks great on your resume!

3. Communicate with Your Scholarship Provider

Keep an open line of communication with your scholarship provider. If you encounter any challenges that might affect your ability to meet the scholarship requirements, let them know as soon as possible. Many providers are willing to work with you if you show initiative and responsibility.


4. Renew Your Scholarship

Renewable scholarships can provide ongoing financial support throughout your academic journey, but they often require you to reapply or submit additional documentation each year. Staying on top of the renewal process is crucial to ensuring continued funding.

Track Deadlines

Missing a renewal deadline could mean losing your scholarship. Keep a calendar or set reminders for all renewal-related deadlines, including when applications open, when documents need to be submitted, and when the renewal process must be completed.

Staying organized and ahead of schedule can prevent last-minute stress and possible loss of funding. (By the way, Red Kite can help you do all of that!)

Submit Required Documents

Scholarships often require you to submit updated documents, such as transcripts, proof of enrollment, financial aid forms, or letters of recommendation.

Gather these documents well in advance and double-check that they meet the scholarship’s specific requirements. Submitting everything on time and in the correct format is essential to avoid delays or disqualification.

Write Renewal Essays

If your scholarship renewal process includes an essay, approach it with the same dedication you applied to your original application.

Reflect on your achievements over the past year, both academically and personally. Highlight how the scholarship has contributed to your success and how you’ve continued to meet or exceed the expectations set by the scholarship committee. Make your essay compelling, clear, and aligned with the values of the scholarship provider.

Keep Your GPA in Check

Maintaining a strong GPA is often a key requirement for renewing your scholarship. Continuously monitor your academic performance and seek help if you notice any areas where you’re struggling.

If your GPA dips, take proactive steps to improve it before the renewal period. Showing that you’ve taken initiative to overcome challenges can also be a positive point to include in your renewal essay.

Plan Ahead for Financial Aid

Even if your scholarship is renewable, it’s wise to have a backup plan in case something changes.

You can use Red Kite to explore other scholarship opportunities, apply for grants, or consider work-study options. Having a diversified financial aid strategy can provide security and peace of mind.

Stay Informed of Changes

Scholarship programs sometimes update their criteria or processes. Keep yourself informed about any changes by regularly checking the scholarship provider’s website or communications.

Staying updated will ensure you’re not caught off guard by new requirements or procedures.

5. Engage in Extracurricular Activities

While academics are crucial, scholarship providers also value well-rounded students. Engaging in extracurricular activities, community service, or leadership roles can demonstrate your commitment and may even be a requirement for keeping your financial aid package.

6. Monitor Your Progress

Regularly check your academic progress to ensure you’re meeting the scholarship requirements. Most schools provide online portals where you can track your GPA, credit hours, and other important metrics. If you see any red flags, take immediate action to address them.

7. Plan for the Unexpected

As we touched on before, life can be unpredictable, and you may face challenges that impact your academic performance. Whether it’s a personal issue, health problem, or financial difficulty, it’s important to have a plan in place.

  • Seek Support Services: Most colleges offer support services, such as counseling, academic advising, and financial aid offices, which can help you navigate difficult times.
  • Discuss Options: If you’re facing a significant challenge, discuss your options with your academic advisor or scholarship provider. They may offer solutions like taking a temporary leave of absence without losing your scholarship.

8. Stay Motivated

Finally, staying motivated is key to maintaining your scholarship. Remember why you applied for the scholarship in the first place while keeping your long-term goals in mind. Surround yourself with supportive friends, mentors, and resources that encourage you to succeed.

Keeping a scholarship requires diligence, responsibility, and a proactive approach. By understanding the requirements, staying on top of your academics, and engaging in extracurricular activities, you can maintain your scholarship and continue on the path to achieving your educational goals.

Remember, your scholarship is not just a financial award—it’s an investment in your future. Keep striving for excellence, and you’ll not only keep your scholarship, but also set yourself up for long-term success.

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