Anyone else not feeling very demure NOR very mindful this fall? The good news is that there’s a ton of great scholarship opportunities right now!

And don’t worry – applying for scholarships doesn’t have to be super stressful. In fact, I’ve got a few ideas that might make the process easier… and maybe even a little fun!

1. Set Small, Realistic Goals (So You Can Still Watch TV)

Of course, you know yourself best, and maybe you can indeed knock out 10 applications in an hour. BUT… we’ve all done the ole “I’ll apply to some scholarships this weekend!” and then lay in bed for 72 hours scrolling on TikTok.

The easiest way to avoid this? Be realistic. Take it one step at a time! All you have to do is break down that huge goal into bite-sized pieces.

“Today, I’ll write 100 words of an essay.” Boom. Easy. Period!

Once that goal is accomplished, you should treat yourself afterwards! If you’re like me, establishing a reward system might motivate you to stay on task.

Breaking down the scholarship grind means you won’t spiral into a stress abyss. Plus, you’ll still have time for Game of Thrones!

2. Recycle Your Essays (Because Writing New Ones Is Just Cruel)

If you’re feeling like you’ve written the same essay a dozen times, it’s because you probably have. Lucky for you, most scholarships ask similar questions.

“Tell us about a challenge you’ve overcome” or “Why do you deserve this award?” Take that golden essay, tweak it, and reuse it like the eco-friendly, time-saving genius you are.

Trust, you don’t need to come up with a brand new essay for each individual program. We’re trying to maximize your awards so you can minimize your debt, here!

Just make sure you don’t send the wrong essay to the wrong committee… like, triple-check that you’re not forwarding your “My favorite ice cream flavor” scholarship essay to your top choice school. Even if it makes them giggle, it’ll probably hurt your chances!

3. Ask for Help (Because Two Heads Are Better Than One, Even if One’s Yours)

I get it – you’re a capable, independent human. You’ve gotten yourself this far! But you don’t have to tackle scholarship applications by yourself.

Need feedback on your essay? Ask a teacher or friend – especially the ones that will roast you on your work. That’s the most real, genuine feedback you could ask for!

Remember: even superheroes need a sidekick. Mine was my school counselor – I bugged her almost every day of application season, but it was necessary, because I ended up being offered thousands of dollars in scholarships.

It’s always good to ask for advice from someone who does scholarships for a living, or even an older friend/sibling who has already been through the process. That way, you’ll be better prepared for what’s coming.

4. Take Breaks (Because You’ve Earned It)

“I am insane” – me, trying to write an essay after staring at my laptop for 6 hours straight. Blue light hazard, people! Look it up!

Burnout isn’t going to help you win that scholarship. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, there’s nothing wrong with taking a step back.

Believe it or not, the key to a healthy balance is to stick to your scheduled breaks, even if you convince yourself that you can push through. Preventative measures!

Step outside, call a friend, or lie on the floor and question your life choices. Whatever helps you reset. Taking care of yourself should be your number one priority.

6. Rejection Happens (But So Do Scholarships!)

For all my sensitive Kitelings (like me…), it’s time to put on some armor. There’s nothing wrong with feeling hurt when you don’t score a scholarship you totally deserved, but you can’t let that hold you back from trying again!

Here’s the thing – and bear with me for a second, because I’m about to sound like a cheesy mom – every rejection gets you one step closer to a yes. It’s true!

The key to racking up funds for school is to not give up, even if it seems hopeless. Ever seen that meme of that guy mining? That’s you, bestie:

So be like the top dude and keep swinging! Don’t let a “no” send you into a spiral of doubt. (I’m looking at you, fellow Libras. I know it’s easy to overthink, especially in the face of defeat.)

Laugh it off, do a celebratory “I applied anyway” dance (or Starbucks run?), and move on to the next opportunity. There’s a scholarship out there with your name on it!

7. Let Red Kite Do the Heavy Lifting (Because You Deserve a Break)

Of course, one obvious life hack is to take advantage of Red Kite’s scholarship search!

There’s literally no need to spend hours scouring the Internet for scholarships… because it’s all in one place. We’ve compiled over $25 BILLION worth of scholarships, grants and loans.

It’s like having a personal assistant – minus the fancy coffee orders. Once you create a profile, Red Kite will automatically match you with scholarships you’re eligible for.

But the personalization doesn’t stop there! We’ll also help you organize your scholarships, keep track of deadlines, and walk you through the application process.

Red Kite will help de-stress the financial aid process for you, step-by-step. No more dreaming of a debt-free college experience: it’s your reality!

Besties, the scholarship process can feel like the inside of a washing machine. But with a solid plan (and a sense of humor), you’ll get through it. And just think: in the near future, you might just have your tuition covered!

Remember: stay organized, take breaks, and use tools like Red Kite to make the ride a little smoother. Onward!

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